Most of the business talk in "Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps" went right over my head. Even though the movie fictionalized actual current events, I still couldn't follow. But the general story wasn't hard to get into. It was just hard to get out of.
I recently saw the original "Wall Street" in preparation but I don't think it would have mattered if I hadn't seen it. They make a few comments about things that happened back then, and Shia LaBeouf wears a few 80s-inspired ties, but other than that this is a pretty current movie. Still, the movie has two big flaws.
#1. It is (painfully) an hour too long.
#2. Jake Moore (LaBeouf) is a young, ambitious Wall Street broker who is designed to remind you of what Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas) was like at 25. The problem: Jake is engaged to Gordon's daughter, Winnie Gekko (Carey Mulligan), and she hates her father and everything he stands for. So I never buy into her love for Moore. She just wouldn't be with him. Plus, there's that extra dragging 60 minutes of blah that makes me givw up trying to find the reason she's with him.
The words "Blah" and "painful" don't bode well for a movie review so I'm guessing I will pass on this flick. Greed is not so good this time around eh!!