"Breakfast at Tiffany's" is one of my favorite movies, even if it is about a prostitute and a gigolo. I've probably seen it 100 times. I love Audrey Hepburn as Holly Golightly and George Peppard as Paul "Fred" Vargas. It's all 60s-Style and New York City. I remember seeing it, more than once, in a great, old theater in New York while I was living there. It was a great way to watch an old movie – the sound of the reel and crackling of the old film. Although there's nothing like a theater experience catching it on TV is OK, too.
My favorite scene is when Holly and "Fred" celebrate his story being published. They spend the day doing things the other has never done before, including drinking champagne before breakfast, taking a walk in the morning (Holly has walked in the morning but only home from the previous night), going to the library, buying something at Tiffany & Co. (the only scene actually in Tiffany's), and stealing something from a five and dime. I've always wanted to do that. (Not steal something from a five and dime, spend the day doing things I've never done before.)
This movie is on my bucket list - I will see it before I die. I want to be able to really sit down and watch it so I havent rented it yet.