July 4.
I have heard many people say they liked the Julia half of the movie but didn't care about the Julie half. I guess if I had to choose my favorite half, then, yes, I'd choose Julia, too, but I love both parts of "Julie & Julia."
Food, Paris, New York, well Okay, Queens, but still ... I get wrapped up in these stories of culinary obsession every time I turn the movie on.
Julie, played by Amy Adams, does crack under the pressure a few times, and the pressure is sort of silly since it's a self-inflicted deadline of making all of Julia Child's recipes and blogging about them in a year. But, I'm still rooting for her the whole time.
Julia, played my Meryl Streep is the exact opposite of Julie. She never cracks, well maybe once, but she is completely different. And, the marriage between her and her husband Paul is a sweet, unexpected love story.