OK, now, I don't think of myself as an ooey-gooey-must-snuggle-the-babies kinda person, but this movie is so cute. And, maybe more than cute it is enlightening.
Watching the lives of four babies – Bayar in Mongolia, Hattie in San Francisco, Mari in Tokyo, and Ponijao in Namibia – from birth to sleeping, eating, bathing, and first steps, words, and birthdays is really eye opening. It's amazing to see how people live, and don't care about dirt! in other parts of the world. And, honestly, watching the San Franciscan family use a lint roller on Hattie seems ridiculous after watching Ponijao play with dirty water bottles and, well, dirt.
The documentary, made by French film maker, Thomas Balmes, tells the story of life through these babies' eyes. From the low-to-the-floor cameras and no subtitles explaining what the adults are saying, the viewer really gets to experience the world as these babies do.